
Easy System Integration

The Saddle can be supplied with a “Carrier Slice”. The Carrier Slice allows easy integration of commerically available PCIe/104 modules. Hardware from a wide swath of vendors can coexist in the Saddle Smart City Platform. Please visit and discover the numerous vendors that can provide hardware and implement your vision using The Saddle Smart City Platform.

Stack’em As Needed

The Saddle lets you build intelligent Smart City Solutions at your own pace. You can deploy one function today, and tomorrow, all you need to do is add new modules on top of the existing functions. Today, you can deliver private high speed WiFi for city employees. Tomorrow, you can deploy Internet-of-Things “IoT” gateways on each streetlight. Later, a city can lease out space to a wireless provider and enjoy recurring revenue from a rollout of 5G “Nano” or “Pico” Cells.

Wireless Neighborhood Networks

Fiber optics are passe’. That is why the Federal Communications Commission, and other radio frequency regulators are auctioning off spectrum like there is no tomorrow. The Saddle make practical short data link from streetlight to streetlight. High data rates are possible in various topologies, including wireless token rings, reconfigurable mesh network and so on. Network operators are just one “Field Stackable Module” away from higher data speed and capacity, without the cost of fiber optic expansion.

Surveillance Made Easy

The Pandemic ahs taught us how important it is to keep our people safe. Surveillance has proven itself around the world. The Unites States values privacy, but crime deterrence is essential. The Saddle can be supplied with an optical sensor enclosure used to mount house up and downrange roadway and sideway cameras. A Graphics Processing Unit mounted in a “Field Stackable Module” can be available to perform facial recognition in critical tactical situations.